Industrialist Ratan Tata’s love for dogs is known. On June 26, he called for urgent help and sought assistance in finding a blood donor for a seven-month-old dog admitted to his Small Animal Hospital in Mumbai. In a post on Instagram, he shared requirements, urging Mumbai to help him.

The dog was admitted to his hospital following a suspected tick fever and “life-threatening” anaemia. “I would really really appreciate your help. This 7 month dog at our animal hospital needs urgent blood transfusion. He is admitted for a suspected tick fever and life threatening anaemia. We urgently need a dog blood donor in Mumbai,” the post read.

Dog donor eligibility criteria, according to the post:

  • Clinically healthy
  • Between 1 to 8 years of age
  • Weighing about 25 kg or above
  • Fully vaccinated and dewormed
  • Free from any recent major illness
  • Free from ticks and fleas and has no history of tick fever in at least the last 6 months

Sharing the post on Instagram story, Tata wrote, “Mumbai, I need your help.”

See the post here:

Soon after the post caught the Internet’s attention, many users hailed Tata’s fondness for dogs. Reacting to it, a user wrote, “You are the most kind person sir through your actions and genuine commitment to improving lives.” Another user commented, “Shared your post sir you are a inspiration you are light in the end of tunnel for these innocent animals.”

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“You are God’s gift to this world sir, or you are God yourself,” a third user reacted.

Earlier, Ratan Tata was in the headlines after a LinkedIn post on how he had instructed the hotel staff of the Taj Mahal Hotel to treat stray dogs well if they enter the premises.

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