When WhatsApp introduced a green theme for iOS users months ago, the Meta-owned platform received a lot of backlash from users. Many iPhone users took to social media and expressed how they didn't like the greener WhatsApp and wished things could go back to as they were. But the change was permanent and gradually all iPhone users got a green-themed interface. However, looks like the instant messaging app is working behind the scenes to give users more control over their chat themes. 

In May this year, it was reported that WhatsApp is exploring the introduction of five additional default chat themes, including the default green theme, scheduled for release in a future update. Now, a WA Beta Info report has said that the number of themes is not going to be five, but ten. So, if you don't like the way that your WhatsApp chat interface looks, you will soon have other options to choose from. 

Offering more themes will enhance the user experience by allowing greater personalisation and customisation. By expanding the selection of themes, WhatsApp aims to cater to a broader range of aesthetic preferences, enabling users to choose themes that resonate with their personal style. 

iPhone users will be able to select from ten preset colours for their chat bubbles and wallpaper. The colour options that were earlier reported included classic green, white, blue, pink, and purple. This feature is still under development, but its presence in the beta version indicates that Meta is actively working on enhancing the app's personalisation options.

In addition to chat themes, WhatsApp is also reportedly working on a feature that allows iOS users to change the app's accent colour. This feature will enable the customisation of in-app buttons, providing the same colour options as the chat themes. While these features are not yet available to the public, their inclusion in the beta version suggests a public release could be in the works.

The process of changing the chat theme and accent colour is straightforward. Users can navigate to the settings of their WhatsApp account, select the Chat option, and then choose Theme. From there, users can pick their preferred colour, which will automatically adjust both the wallpaper and chat bubble colours to match. This personalised setting is unique to each user's account, meaning the chosen colour will not affect the appearance of chats for the person on the other end.

These new customisation options are expected to help WhatsApp compete with other messaging apps like Telegram, which already offers a variety of personalisation features. By giving users more control over the app's look and feel, WhatsApp seems to be trying to attract and retain users who value a tailored messaging experience.

It's noteworthy that WhatsApp is initially rolling out these features for iOS users, with plans to possibly extend them to Android users in the future.


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