In July, as the monsoon transforms India into a lush green landscape, a variety of vibrant festivals take place across the country. Below, you'll find a glimpse of some important celebrations in July 2024, along with their dates and auspicious timings (muhurta):

In the early part of July, there are several important Hindu observances:

1. Yogini Ekadashi (July 2nd): This day is dedicated to Lord Vishnu and is believed to bring spiritual benefits and good luck. It is customary to observe strict fasting or follow a simple vegetarian diet during the day.

2. Krishna Paksha Pradosh Vrat (July 3): This vow is observed during the Krishna Paksha (dark fortnight) of the lunar month and is dedicated to Lord Shiva. Devotees perform puja (worship rituals) in the evening, seeking blessings for peace and prosperity.

3. Masik Shivratri (July 4th): This monthly observance is dedicated to Lord Shiva and involves fasting, prayers, and offerings. The specific puja timings (muhurat) may vary depending on your location. You can find them in local publications or online Hindu calendars (panchang).

4. Ashadh Amavasya (July 5): This new moon day falling in the Ashadh month is considered a day to remember ancestors. People offer prayers and perform rituals for the departed souls.

5. Jagannath Rath Yatra (July 7): This spectacular chariot procession in Puri, Odisha, is a grand celebration honoring Lord Jagannath, Balabhadra, and Subhadra. The exact timings for the procession can be found on official temple websites or local news sources.


6. On July 21, 2024, both Guru Purnima (full moon day dedicated to spiritual teachers) and Vyasa Purnima (birth anniversary of sage Vyasa) coincide. It is a day when devotees express their gratitude to their teachers and gurus, and some observe a day-long fast.

7. Bhanu Jayanti, celebrated on July 13, marks the birth anniversary of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, a revered Maratha warrior king. On this day, people pay homage to his legacy and celebrate his valour.

Other Important Dates:

8. Ashadha Navratri (July - specific dates): Spanning over nine days, this festival honours Goddess Durga. Consult a panchang for the exact dates and puja timings in your region.

9. Skanda Sashti (July - specific dates): A six-day festival dedicated to Lord Murugan (Kartikeya), this observance involves fasting, prayers, and puja rituals.

July in India is host to numerous festivals, each with its unique traditions and rituals that reflect the country's rich cultural tapestry. Take the time to explore the diverse festivals and find the ones that resonate with you!

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