Acclaimed director Anurag Kashyap, the mind behind gritty crime dramas like Black Friday and Gangs of Wasseypur, recently lifted the lid on a surprising experience. Despite this, Kashyap remains a prominent figure in Indian cinema, also acting in "Maharaja" and working on the upcoming series "Bad Cop." His journey in the industry continues to be both fascinating and thought-provoking.

During an interview with Fever FM, Anurag Kashyap expressed his respect for actors who decline offers for valid reasons. However, he voiced frustration with those who kept him waiting and then suddenly stopped communicating.

He stated, “I like the quality in some people who say no because of whatever reason, I respect them a lot. But people who make you go around for two-three years and then say no, or just start ghosting you, that I have a problem with. It still happens. There are two actors who started their careers with me and then ghosted me on the film that I am doing. They didn’t care to say a yes or no, they just ghosted.”

In the month of March, Kashyap posted on social media that he was fed up with mentoring people without talent and would begin charging a consultancy fee. In an interview with Humans of Cinema, he explained why he made the post that got a lot of attention. He said it wasn't about filmmakers, but about keeping "faaltu log" from wasting his time.

Talking about his experiences over the past two years, he said, “What people are not aware and they don’t ask, is what zone are you in. I have gone through two and a half years of extreme sickness, dependency on medicines, I have gone through my whole phase of depression. In a phase like that, you have to prioritise yourself first. So, if I am not physically, mentally, emotionally healed…. If you see my interviews of last years, you will see it is on my face how unwell I was. Even then people come and ask you to read their script.”

Anurag mentioned that people would often start "showing up" at his house unannounced. He recalled an incident when a stranger rang his doorbell and said, "I want to show you my film."

READ ALSO: Throwback: When Amitabh Bachchan did three films without charging a fee

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