A mine collapse in Illinois on Wednesday created a massive sinkhole that damaged a soccer field at Gordon Moore City Park in Alton. The sinkhole, estimated to be at least 100 feet wide and up to 50 feet deep, engulfed part of the field and one of the stadium lights.

Michael Haynes, Alton Parks and Recreation Department Director, described the event as surreal: “It was surreal, kind of like a movie where the ground just falls out from underneath you.”

The underground mine, operated by New Frontier Materials, experienced surface subsidence that led to the sinkhole. “The mines have been here and in this area for decades and decades,” Haynes explained. “It’s never been brought up before, so I’m told it’s an anomaly. We’ll wait until the investigation is complete.”

The incident has shocked the local community, especially given the recent addition of the turf fields in 2019, a project that cost over $1 million. Haynes expressed hope that the city will not bear the financial burden of repairs. “Hopefully, we can find a remedy and get plans together to move forward before we get into our busy season out here again,” he said.

The Mine Safety and Health Administration has been notified, and New Frontier Materials committed to working with the city for a swift resolution. “We will work with the city to remediate this issue as quickly and safely as possible to ensure minimal impact on the community,” the company said in a statement.

Alton resident Richard Baird described the scene as startling and lamented the loss to the community. “A very sad occasion for the community because of the newness of this facility and No. 1, and No. 2, all the youth that participate here,” Baird said. “It puts all that on hold. Thousands upon thousands of people are impacted by this.”

The park, believed to have a significant portion of its area underlain by mines, is currently closed. The impacted area has been secured and will remain off-limits while inspectors and experts examine the mine and conduct necessary repairs.

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