An office of Communist Party of India - Marxist (CPIM) in Tamil Nadu's Tirunelveli was allegedly vandalised and two party workers were attacked by a group that opposed the Marxist party's support to a young couple, belonging to different castes, who got married on June 13. 

At least 10 people were arrested in connection with the incident. 

The Tamil Nadu wing of the CPI(M) had alleged that the party's office in Tirunelveli was vandalised by some upper caste people on Friday, as the party helped an inter-caste couple to get married.

According to a statement issued by the party, Madan Kumar, 28, and Udaya Dakshayini, 23, got married in a "self-respect marriage ceremony" with the help of the CPI(M) and the Untouchability Eradication Front on June 13, after eloping from their house.

While Dakshayini is from the upper caste, Madan is from the SC community.

The couple had taken an appointment at the registrar's office to get their marriage registered on Friday, but Dakshayini's family members tried to stop them from registering the marriage, after which the couple sought protection from the local CPI(M) unit.

The CPI(M) state secretary said that over 25 of Dakshayini's family members allegedly barged into the district committee office and and damaged several things including furniture and assaulted two party workers when they tried to stop the vandalism.

A senior police official from Tirunelveli told India Today TV that the CPI(M) local unit tried to resolve the issue with the family.

"Dakshayini's family members went to the party office and vandalised it," the official said.

Police officials rushed to the spot and arrested 10 people, including Dakshayini's parents.

Search is on for the other miscreants and further investigation is on, police said.

The CPI (M) has demanded the state government to take strict legal action against the miscreants. The party has also sought protection for the inter-caste couple.

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