The Punjab and Haryana high court has warned against impending threats of failure of the authorities in curbing gangster culture in Punjab and has called for swift action against it.

“Gangster culture, particularly in the form of extortion rackets, has emerged as a significant threat to the social order in today’s time, fostering an environment of fear and lawlessness. The glorification of violence, the normalisation of criminal behaviour, and the recruitment of vulnerable youth into gangs not only perpetuate crime but also erode public trust in the justice system,” the bench of justice Harpreet Singh Brar said.

The observations came while hearing a bail plea of Kapil alias Ninni, an alleged gangster of the Lawrence Bishnoi gang and accused in a December 2019 murder case reported in Malout, Muktsar Sahib. The police had claimed that he was an active member of the Bishnoi gang and was actively involved in extortion rackets spanning multiple states. He is a habitual offender and secured acquittal in several cases, as nobody dared to come forward to depose against him and his gang members, the court was told.

As per record before the high court, he is facing trial in nine criminal cases, convicted in two cases and acquitted in four cases.

The court’s observation comes at a time when as per a government report in the high court a spurt was seen in extortion and threat call cases in Punjab after March 2023 interview of gangster Lawrence Bishnoi was aired by a private channel. The state saw 300 extortion and threat call cases in the nine months prior to the interview. The number climbed to 324 in the corresponding period thereafter, the DGP had told court earlier this month in the proceedings initiated by the high court taking exception of the interview.

In the case in hand, the court dismissed the bail plea stating that if granted, there is a strong likelihood of him returning to his offending and nefarious ways. It also directed that a threat analysis report be prepared and acted upon by the witness or his family members and action be taken accordingly.

Their portrayal misguiding youth: HC

The court expressed concerns over portrayal of gangsters by “popular media” and said that it has led to a distorted sense of power and impunity, particularly among the youth.

“The implications of unchecked gang activities are far-reaching, from rising violent crime rates to economic instability in affected communities and regions. This menace must be dealt with decisively and swiftly. A firm hand, with stringent law enforcement and legal measures, is essential to dismantling extortion rackets, deterring future criminal enterprises and safeguarding the moral fabric of society,” the court observed also underlining that judiciary must ensure that those who engage in such nefarious activities face the full brunt of the law so that a strong message goes that such criminality will not be tolerated. “This will be a step towards restoring public confidence and protecting the foundations of a law-abiding society,” it added.

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