The arrest of Mumbai-based actor and model Kadambari Jethwani on February 2 in Mumbai has led to the suspension of three senior IPS officers in Andhra Pradesh. Jethwani alleged that her arrest was not only unlawful but also based on insufficient evidence. Following her complaint, which highlighted procedural irregularities, the Andhra Pradesh government took action, suspending the officers involved.

The IPS officers suspended in this case include PSR Anjaneyulu, the former intelligence chief, Kanthi Rana Tata, former Vijayawada Police Commissioner, and Vishal Gunni, former Vijayawada Deputy Commissioner. Their involvement in the arrest of Jethwani, conducted without proper written orders or enough evidence, has raised concerns about the conduct of law enforcement officials.

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The incident, which took place earlier in the year, involved Jethwani and her family being apprehended and taken to Vijayawada. She and her parents were held in judicial custody for over 40 days before they were granted bail. During this time, Jethwani reported that they faced mental torture and humiliation at the hands of the police.

The case took a political turn when Jethwani’s advocate, N Srinivas, claimed that the arrest was orchestrated by KVR Vidyasagar, a YSR Congress Party leader and film producer. Vidyasagar had accused Jethwani’s family of forgery and extortion, but Srinivas contends that the land documents involved in the case were fabricated, leading to the wrongful arrest. Moreover, Jethwani's lawyer alleged that the police delayed their bail application for several days, further violating her rights.

The Andhra Pradesh government, under Chief Minister N Chandrababu Naidu, acted on a report by the Director General of Police (DGP), resulting in the suspension of the involved officers. The report indicated that the officers had shown a clear disregard for investigative protocols, arresting Jethwani soon after an FIR was filed, without following due process.

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The officers in question, Anjaneyulu, Tata, and Gunni, have now been relocated to headquarters in Vijayawada, awaiting further inquiry. Additional police officials involved in the case, including Hanumantharao, Additional Superintendent of Police (ACP), and Satyanarayana, Ibrahimpatnam Circle Inspector (CI), have also been suspended for their roles in the arrest.

This high-profile case has brought to light issues related to misuse of power, procedural irregularities, and the mental anguish caused to the wrongfully accused. It has also highlighted the need for more stringent oversight and adherence to legal procedures to prevent similar cases in the future.

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