Lifestyle influencer and fashion designer Archana Makwana, who sparked a row after performing yoga at Amritsar’s Golden Temple complex, has now called for the cancellation of the police complaint filed against her. Makwana claimed that “not one person who watched me perform Yoga stopped me or raised an objection”.

Vadodara-based Archana Makwana was booked by the Punjab police on June 22 for allegedly “hurting religious sentiments” by performing yoga at Amritsar’s Golden Temple.

The case was registered after the Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee (SGPC) complained about the influencer, following which she was booked under Section 295-A (deliberate and malicious intention of outraging the religious feelings of any class) of the Indian Penal Code (IPC).

In an Instagram post, Makwana, who was also provided police protection in the wake of death threats received has questioned how her actions hurt someone’s religious sentiments.

“When I was doing Shirshasana on 21st June 2024 at Golden Temple Amritsar 1000 sikh people were watching me not one person stopped me or raised an objection on it. In fact, the Gentleman who took my photo was a Sardarji himself he didn’t find it offending, he didn’t stop me from doing it, and the people who were watching it Live weren’t offended then I am wondering how come it’s wrong & how has it hurt someone’s religious sentiments ?” she said in a social media post.

“The local people who come to the temple every day don’t know the rules, then how can they expect a Hindu Girl travelling for the first time to Punjab to know the rules, especially when no one stopped me,” she added.

“All this is baseless, I don’t know what is the propaganda of the SGPC TRUST but I feel victimised. The FIR against me needs to be quashed because it doesn’t have any base, it’s just that because the SGPC COMMITTEE didn’t disclose the true facts to the police they accepted it. I tried to sort this issue Peacefully but they don’t seem to understand it, it’s affecting my business and I won’t tolerate it,” the influencer further said.

“Everyone who agrees with me and wants to support me please raise a voice against them stating that the FIR needs to be cancelled by writing to Punjab Police,” her post added.

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