Journaling or writing down one's thoughts, is a powerful way to express and reflect on one's feelings and emotions. Roshni Chopra believes in something similar, as she has frequently admitted to being a staunch advocate of journaling.

In a new post, the actor-influencer shared that writing things down changed her life. "Some things I wrote about six months ago have come so true it just fills me with wonder," she wrote, suggesting everyone write two pages every day in the morning before heading out for work.

For those looking to start journaling, Roshni shared three simple steps to follow:

*Start by writing five things you are grateful for. You could use the following prompts, she said:

Today I'm grateful for...

Today I see...

Today I feel...

Today I have...

Today I find...

*Write down three things you want in the present tense as they have already happened.

*Write about good feelings and thoughts and watch the miracles unfold. "Focus more on the good feelings and creating that vibration for yourself as it acts as a magnet for magic the rest of the day," she said.

Jaisleen Kaur, Image Consultant, Soft Skills Trainer and Life Coach, Dehradun said that in the journey of self-improvement and personal growth, one of the most transformative practices you can adopt is morning journaling.

"Morning journaling is a timeless practice that can positively impact your mental health, self-awareness, and overall well-being. By adopting this habit, individuals discover the incredible power of putting pen to paper each morning. It is advised to embrace this journey of self-discovery and personal growth, and observe as it leads one to their best positive self," she said.

Here's how you can begin your morning journaling practice, according to the expert:

*Choose your journal: Find a notebook or journal that resonates with you. It can be as simple or as elaborate as you prefer. The key is to make it a special space for your thoughts.

*Set a time: Pick a consistent time in the morning for your journaling practice. Whether it's right after waking up or with your morning coffee, consistency is key.

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*Create a ritual: Establish a calming ritual to start your journaling session. This could involve deep breathing, meditation, or a few moments of silence to centre yourself.

*Start writing: Begin with a brief reflection on your current state of mind, emotions, and any dreams or thoughts that linger from the night. Then, explore your intentions for the day, what you're grateful for, and your short-term and long-term goals.

*Be honest and vulnerable: Your journal is a judgment-free zone. Be honest with yourself, even when addressing difficult emotions or challenges. This vulnerability is where the most profound growth occurs.

*Consistency is key: Make morning journaling a daily practice. The more consistent you are, the more you'll benefit from its transformative effects.

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