West Bengal Governor CV Ananda Bose on Saturday filed a defamation suit against Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee at the Calcutta High Court, news agency PTI reported citing sources. The suit comes a day after Banerjee alleged that women were afraid to visit the Raj Bhavan due to certain activities there. As per the report, the governor has also filed defamation suits against certain TMC leaders for making similar remarks.

"Governor CV Ananda Bose on Friday moved the Calcutta High Coury and filed a defamation suit against Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee and her party leaders for their comments," a source told the news agency. 

My Character Is Not To Be Negotiated By Anyone: CV Bose 

"Mamata Banerjee has crossed all the limits. She has to function within the requirements of civilized conduct. As a chief minister, I gave her all regard and respect, considering her as my esteemed constitutional colleague. But she feels that she can bully anybody and cast aspersions on my character," Bose told news agency ANI.

"My character is not to be negotiated by an individual like Mamata Banerjee. Any amount of assassination of my self-respect will not be tolerated. She cannot bully or terrify me. She has not grown up to that. As a chief minister, if she differs from me, certainly there are constitutional provisions to take care of that," he said, adding, "As an individual, she has no right to do character assassination through lies. This cannot be allowed. It is not megalomania, it is 'Mamata mania' that cannot be tolerated". 

Earlier in the day, Governor Bose criticised Banerjee's remarks, stating that public representatives should not create "erroneous and slanderous impressions".

He, in an interaction with ANI, also said, "I will file a defamation case against the individual, Mamata Banerjee who happens to be the Chief Minister". 

During an administrative meeting at the state secretariat on Thursday, Banerjee claimed, "Women have informed her they are afraid to visit Raj Bhavan due to recent incidents reported there".

On May 2, a contractual woman employee of Raj Bhavan alleged molestation by Vose, leading to a probe by the Kolkata police. 

BJP Backs Bose's Decision, No Comments From TMC 

When contacted by PTI, TMC Rajya Sabha MP Dola Sen said she could not comment on the matter without discussing it with the party leadership. "I have to talk to my party leadership to find out what actually happened. This is quite a sensitive matter," she told PTI.

Senior BJP leader Rahul Sinha supported Bose, saying, "I think Governor Bose has taken the right decision. He should have taken this decision long back. I fully support him". 

Veteran CPI (M) leader Sujan Chakraborty noted that the conflict between Bose and Banerjee has been harming the state. "It's actually taking us down. They seem to have forgotten their constitutional responsibilities. Their acts are damaging West Bengal's image at the national level," Chakraborty told PTI. 

Echoing similar sentiments, state Congress president Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury said that the tussle between the Chief Minister and the Governor is tarnishing West Bengal's image. "The CM should provide evidence or take back her claims. Let there be a proper investigation," Chowdhury said. 

"Instead of making allegations, an impartial inquiry must be initiated into the claims by both sides and appreciate action be taken as per law. These allegations and counter-allegations are tarnishing the image of West Bengal. This is nothing but a shameful episode," he added. 

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